When you want your event to be a success, you need to be able to rely on your speaker to deliver a message that will inspire, entertain and create positive change.



When you want your event to be a success, you need to be able to rely on your speaker to deliver a message that will inspire, entertain and create positive change.


Are you looking for a dynamic speaker that will make your next event a stunning success? Do you want entertaining and educational training that will leave your attendees raving long after the event? We've got you covered.

When you hire LaShonda Chaney for your conference, company, or church event, you don’t just get a bland, canned presentation. Every message is customized specifically for your audience in order to achieve your desired outcomes. We get to know your organization, and your attendees, so that the message creates long-lasting results. Only material that is relevant to your audience is considered.

LaShonda’s straight-from-the-heart delivery, passion and energy, inspires audiences to go beyond their real and perceived limitations… and to step into their God-given potential. With charisma, warmth and humor, LaShonda delivers the right message for your unique audience.

As a premier Keynote Speaker and leading authority on personal development and wealth building LaShonda Chaney is a sought-after presenter who translates theory into bottom-line results for her clients. Rest assured, your people will love it. And they will be inspired to achieve more for themselves, your organization and your clients.

LaShonda’s schedule fills quickly, so we encourage you to contact us so we can set up a 15-minute call to determine if you will be a good fit for each other.


Business Development

How effective is your elevator pitch, networking skills, and ability to market yourself? Are you efficiently prospecting leads, tracking sales opportunities and converting prospects to customers? What about your time management skills, ability to prioritize and develop systems and processes? If there is room for improvement in any of these areas, this training is for you! 

LaShonda Chaney works with those who are highly motivated to take their business to the next level by providing the tools, training and support you need to help you get from where you are now, to where you want to go: 

  •  How to Pursue Strategic Opportunities and Partnerships 
  •  Identifying New Markets for Products and Services 
  •  How to Develop and Implement Growth 
  •  How to Maximize the Strength of Relationships with Existing Customers 
  •  How to Enter into Emerging and International Markets

Download your FREE GIFT NOW!

Take Action: How to Stop Procrastination, Get Paid and Live Your Purpose by LaShonda Chaney

This eBook is one of LaShonda Chaney's most popular publications available as a free download. Inside of this ebook, you will:

  • Learn how to change the way you reach success and what’s really holding you back
  • Understand how you can start building wealth by changing a few key components
  • Educate and empower your mind with tools to succeed
  • Learn proven strategies to increase your finances by understanding and knowing your worth

What People Are Saying:

Mayeisha P.

MFA Dance Studios // Culpepper, VA

"The first time I met LaShonda she was so welcoming and willing to share everything that she had learned from being a successful studio owner.

I have grown as a businesswoman and have seen her strategies work in my own business. She has been a true inspiration and mentor."

Ebonie A.

The Dance Diamond // Middletown, NY

"Prior to meeting LaShonda my business was struggling, and I was ready to close my doors after 20 years in business. When I finally got over my fear of change and instituted LaShonda's strategies, my business turned around and was more successful than I could have imagined. I have exceeded my goal and I thank God for placing her in my life."

Sherrie M.

American Dance Studios // Edison, NJ

"I had no idea how helpful procedures and systems would be to my bottom line until I worked with LaShonda.

The ongoing support, and inspirational lessons made me feel we could accomplish anything!"

Emily F.

Nebraska Ballet Theatre & School // Lincoln, NE

"After meeting LaShonda at a networking event I knew she was someone I wanted to work with. She brings out the best in every person and is both encouraging and real with her advice.

I am glad to know her and have enjoyed learning more about ways I can push myself in my business while also growing both spiritually and mentally."

Daphne W.

3-D Dance Studios // New York, NY

"Working with LaShonda for the past couple of years has been a game changer for the growth of 3-D Dance Studios. With her advice, insistence and proven strategies I was able to render a 49% increase in gross revenue in one year. She has keen business insight and is great at anticipating market trends so you can stay ahead of the pack.

LaShonda's guidance has empowered me and continues to inspire and motivate me to achieve more!"

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